Spring 2025 Student Undergraduate Research Webinar Series

Monday common hour – 12:10-1:10 PM
Tuesday common hour – 3:25-4:25 PM

Dr. Maria Iacullo-Bird, Assistant Provost for Research

  • Getting Started in Research/Creative Inquiry Projects                  – Tuesday, February 11, 2025
  • How to prepare a Research Proposal                                                  – Tuesday, March 25, 2025
  • Designing a Virtual Panel Slides, and Posters for in-Person Presentations                                                                                             – Monday, April 14, 2025
    – Tuesday, April 15, 2025
    Register in advance for Monday’s meetings
    Register in advance for Tuesday’s meetings
    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Provost's Student-Faculty Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry Award Program: Summer and Academic Year

This university-wide research grant program is designed to support research and artistic projects that have evolved from coursework and research/artistic settings and will benefit from further in-depth development through sustained student work and faculty mentoring.

The goal of this program is to support independent, faculty-mentored undergraduate research or artistic projects that are not fulfilling course or degree requirements during the academic year and summer.

Student Awardees and full-time Faculty Mentors receive a stipend paid in installments. Faculty may sponsor a second student or student group project but due to funding limitations, faculty are eligible for only one stipend per award cycle. Students who receive funding for an award cycle -either for the summer or academic year- may apply for a second funding cycle award. To advance access and inclusion in undergraduate research, priority is given during the faculty review process to first-time program applicants. Students may hold up to a maximum of two Provost Undergraduate Research Awards during their college studies.

All student awardees are expected:
  • to work part-time on their projects;
  • to participate in regular check-ins with their faculty mentor no less than twice a month;
  • to descriptive reflections about the research/artistic experience
  • to submit a final research paper, or artistic project, and;
  • to present at Fall Showcase or Spring Research Day

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • be full-time undergraduate student at Pace University
  • be entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year in the fall
  • have successfully completed introductory courses in the proposed project field
  • meet a minimum 3.0 QPA (overall quality point average)
  • have a full-time faculty sponsor willing to mentor the project          Any exception to academic eligibility requirements must be addressed in both the student application and faculty recommendation.
All student awardees are expected:
  • to work part-time on their projects;
  • to participate in regular check-ins with their faculty mentor no less than twice a month;
  • to descriptive reflections about the research/artistic experience
  • to submit a final research paper, or artistic project, and;
  • to present at Fall Showcase or Spring Research Day

For the 2024-2025 Academic Year, student award recipients are required to:

a) attend a program orientation, and subsequent check-in meetings
b) meet all university research requirements that include:
– Submitting Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for research involving human subjects
– Submitting Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval for research involving animals
– Submitting Pace legal consent forms completed for any research artistic projects which include identifiable images and/or interviews as part of the project
*IRB or IACUC approvals and completed consent forms must be submitted to CURE award supervisory staff.
c) verify that the grant award will support an independent research or artistic project that is outside assigned coursework, and is not fulfilling an academic requirement such as the senior capstone or Honors College thesis
d) work part-time on their research or artistic projects
e) participate in monthly research webinars
f) participate in regular check-ins with their faculty mentor no less than twice a month
g) write four reflections about the research experience
h) present at Fall Virtual Undergraduate Research Series and in-person at Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry Day in May
i) submit a research paper or artistic project as the program concludes                                                                                                                                                                                                       Academic Year 2024-2025                                                                             Project proposals are for the full 2024-2025 academic year (both Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters


For Summer 2024, student award recipients are required to:

(a) attend a program orientation, mid-summer check-in, and concluding meeting
(b) meet all university research requirements that include:
– Submitting Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for research involving human subjects
– Submitting Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval for research involving animals
– Submitting Pace legal consent forms completed for any research artistic projects which include identifiable images and/or interviews as part of the project
*IRB or IACUC approvals and completed consent forms must be submitted to CURE award supervisory staff.
(c) weekly work on projects and meet or check-in by email with faculty mentor
(d) write reflections about the research experience
(e) submit a research paper or artistic project as the program concludes
(f) present at the Fall Virtual Undergraduate Research Series and in-person at Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry Day in May

Summer 2024                                                                                              Projects may commence as early May 15, 2024 and conclude August 31, 2024.

All student awardees are expected:
  • to work part-time on their projects;
  • to participate in regular check-ins with their faculty mentor no less than twice a month;
  • to descriptive reflections about the research/artistic experience
  • to submit a final research paper, or artistic project, and;
  • to present at Fall Showcase or Spring Research Day

Faculty from across the schools and colleges review student submissions based on the following criteria:

  • Scholarly merits of the proposal
  • Overall quality, organization, and clarity of the student-written proposal
  • Description of the student role in the faculty-mentored research or creative inquiry project
  • Student goals are relevant to research project
  • Mentoring commitment for a supportive learning environment
  • Contribution of the project to the student’s discipline or field of study
  • Feasibility of the project outcomes
  • Potential for external presentation and/or publication
Undergraduate Research Assistantship Program: 2024-2025 Academic Year

Proposals accepted on a rolling basis until funds are depleted.

Students consult with a faculty member about this opportunity.

Federal Work Study (FWS) funds are awarded to students in their financial aid packages. To involve more students in research, students can earn their Work Study allocations through working in campus jobs that include research assistantship with faculty members.

Benefits include:

  • to involve more students in research
  • to introduce research earlier in a student’s college years, since entering freshman will be eligible along with all other full-time undergraduate students
  • to help to ensure greater inclusion and diversity among student researchers
  • to provide an opportunity for faculty members to obtain support for their research and enhance opportunities for student-faculty collaboration on academic projects

If a student has Federal Work Study dollars to earn, this initiative seeks to fulfill the intent of “Work Study” by offering jobs directly related to research, field-related learning, and artistic/creative inquiry.

Learn about Undergraduate Research Assistantship Program positions by visiting careers.pace.edu.

Student Conferences

Student Academic Conference Travel Fund for Undergraduate Presentations: 2024-2025

For the 2024-2025 Academic Year, both in-person and virtual conference fees for student presenters at external academic conferences are eligible for funding. This program is no longer accepting applications since funding has been exhausted.

All student awardees are expected:
  • to work part-time on their projects;
  • to participate in regular check-ins with their faculty mentor no less than twice a month;
  • to descriptive reflections about the research/artistic experience
  • to submit a final research paper, or artistic project, and;
  • to present at Fall Showcase or Spring Research Day
Applicant Eligibility:
  • Full-time undergraduate student
  • Presentation must be for scholarly research or an artistic project
  • Student must be an active presenter at conference
  • Student must be listed in the conference program
  • Student is eligible for one travel fund award per academic year
School and College Undergraduate Funding Programs

There are a range of Pace opportunities that can support undergraduate student research and educational costs:

Pforzheimer Honors College
Students in the Honors College complete a thesis project and conduct advanced research. Honors College students can apply for a $1,000 research stipend to support their projects conducted under the guidance of a Pace professor.

Dyson College Summer Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Initiatives                                                                                                  This program will provide support for a student to engage in a summer research project with a faculty mentor. The award will provide a $2,000 stipend for the student and $500 in supplies for the faculty mentor.

The Amelia A. Gould Undergraduate Research Assistantship in the Creative Arts                                                                                            Faculty members in the creative arts are all working professionals in their fields who are publishing and exhibiting their work throughout the year. Students working on faculty projects will learn how professionals pursue their work and how both faculty and students comprise a creative campus community.

Seidenberg Summer Undergraduate Research (SSUR)                        Seidenberg offers qualified students who have completed their sophomore or junior year the opportunity to engage in research in areas ranging from human computer interaction and machine learning to forensic science and cybersecurity. Undergraduate students work with a research advisor in a team of 2-3 students. At the end of the summer, students present their research to the Seidenberg community. They are encouraged to present their work at other Pace University events as well as external conferences. They receive a stipend as part of the program.

External Undergraduate Research Programs

National Science Foundation REUs

The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the research areas funded by the National Science Foundation. These are paid 8-to-10-week programs designed to provide students with immersive research experiences.

As federally funded programs, undergraduate student must be U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents of the United States.

Students do not apply to NSF to participate in REU activities. Instead students must apply directly to REU Sites or to NSF-funded investigators. To identify appropriate REU Sites, students should consult the current REUs organized by disciplinary fields that are accepting applications: https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/reu_search.jsp

Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP)                                                                                                                                            The Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is an eight-week competitive research experience hosted by Northwestern University for sophomores and juniors from colleges and universities across the United States. All fields of research at Northwestern are open to SROP participants including the social sciences and humanities, physical sciences, chemical and biological sciences, technology, math, and engineering fields. 

All SROP participants will receive:

  1. $6,500 stipend (before tax) that includes partial meal stipend
  2. Round-trip transportation to Northwestern University
  3. On campus housing in Evanston, IL
  4. A current graduate student mentor
  5. Professional development workshops
  6. Eligibility for Early Admissions Decision Program (EADP) for rising seniors
  7. Graduate application fee waiver

To be considered for acceptance into SROP, you must:

  1. Be a current sophomore or junior.
  2. Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  3. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  4. Have an interest in pursuing a doctoral degree (PhD) at Northwestern University. Those interested in pursuing an MBA, JD, or MD are not eligible.

Those belonging to groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in graduate education (e.g., certain racial and ethnic minorities, women in STEM, first-generation college students, etc.) are encouraged to apply. More information on the application process can be found here.

External Fellowships and Prestigious Awards

Prestigious Fellowships at Pace University provides support to students and alumni applying for nationally and internationally competitive fellowships and awards. Pace administers several prestigious fellowship and award programs that require Pace’s endorsement prior to submission. In addition, Pace assists students in applying for those awards that do not require Pace endorsement.
