Learn about the nationally based Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) and CUR member benefits.
Pace is a CUR Enhanced Institutional Member
CURE evolved from Pace University’s membership in the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), a national organization dedicated to supporting and promoting high-quality, mentored undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative inquiry.
All faculty, students and staff are eligible to enroll in CUR through the Pace Enhanced Membership!
CUR members can access resources and participate in disciplinary-based communities to enhance teaching and learning. During the COVID-19 crisis CUR has been showcasing virtual best practices and online events.
If you have questions about CUR contact Maria Iacullo-Bird, PhD, Assistant Provost for Research.
Experiential projects can offer opportunities for undergraduate research.

Jumpstart Program
The Pace Jumpstart AmeriCorps Program allows Pace University students to work one-on-one with disadvantaged, preschool children to help them combat America’s school readiness crisis and enhance early literacy. With this enrichment support, children are helped to build basic reading skills at an early age, improve their chances for success in school and create a lifelong love of learning. Pace Jumpstart is conducted throughout the academic year at preschool sites concentrated throughout the Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Jumpstart is a national non-profit that partners with AmeriCorps and has sites on campuses throughout the United States. Jumpstart began at Pace in 2007 and since then has worked with over 900 children at seven different schools inspiring children to learn, adults to teach, families to get involved, and communities to progress together. Jumpstart offers training, on-going professional development and service opportunities to its college-student Corps.
For more information please contact: Sarah Delannoy, Site Manager E-mail: Phone: (212) 346-1874
- For the school year, Corps members are paired with children at a local preschool. Corps members work in teams of five-to-seven college students with classrooms of about twenty children.
- Corps members and children participate in Jumpstart sessions twice per week, providing key one-to-one attention and group interaction.
- Jumpstart helps children develop language, literacy, and social skills vital to success both in school and life.
- Corps members serve 8-10 hours/week for a total maximum of 300 hours served from September through May.
- Intensive Jumpstart training is required prior to beginning service and Corps development support continues throughout the academic year.
- As an AmeriCorps program, Jumpstart members regularly engage in reflections regarding service to offer better support for the children and families served.
- After the successful completion of the 300-hour service commitment, Corps members are eligible for an education award from AmeriCorps.
Apply Now!
Thank you for your interest in Jumpstart!
If you have federal work-study, apply now to become a Jumpstart Corps Member: Student Corps Member – Jumpstart

Center for Community Action and Research (CCAR)
The Center for Community Action and Research (CCAR) supports civic engagement, and social responsibility and the development of reciprocal community partnerships. Programming includes infrastructure support for Civic Engagement and Public Value courses at Pace which utilize the pedagogy of community-based learning and can include undergraduate research.